torsdag den 26. juli 2012

My ab/core routine

Hey lovelies hope you are doing good.
Sorry for the lack of blogs these last couple of days but google chrome is totally screwing blogger up for me and I thought it would be cleared by now but its not, so now im back using safari.

Anywhoozle on to what this blog is about ABS!
I don't do this routine all the time cause I like to switch things up, but here are what I have been doing this week.

I started off this morning with a run for about 40 minutes on the beach

later I did this:

Do this video 3 times

Do this video 1 time

Do this video 3 times

Do this video 1 time

The best thing is that you can do all these videos at home with limited space.

I hope you guys are doing good and are staying motivated :)

Xoxo Mie

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