Well hello again
So it was not the plan to write another blog today but I wanted to be fair.. My boyfriend's family came by (unexpected I might add) with gifts... first his grandma came by with a beautiful Orchid, some chocolate and a pretty card.. then after she left, my boyfriend's mother came by with some gifts - art stuff and yes another card... Im not saying this to brag its just my way of showing them respect and saying that Im so grateful and thankful for them for letting me be a part of that family and making me feel so welcome.
The cards I got

The chocolate

The artsy stuff

The beautiful orchid

Anyways Im gonna show some pics from these last couple of days just to keep you up to date
In Tivoli.. 2 days before moving day - yup me on the pic getting a bit tipsy lol
Getting ready for the big move/ Moving day
The grill master and his special helper lol
Hope you're all good and still enjoying your day
Love, Mie
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