Hello everyone... I hope you guys are good and doing great.
So today I wanna talk about the 8 food advices we have here in Denmark (don't know if they apply the rest of the big great world sorry), I know it's boring but trust me they work.
I do have to point out that when you follow these 8 steps you're NOT gonna loose weight, but instead maintain that healthy figure you have ;)
1. Eat fruit and vegetables - 6 pr day (ca. 300 g of each - a little insider tip ;) )
2. Eat fish - several times a week (at least 200g - again a tip ;) )
3. Eat potatoes, rice or pasta and whole wheat bread
4. Cut down on sugar - especially soda, candy and cookies
5. Cut down on fat- especially from dairy product and meat
6. Eat variable and keep the weight
7. kill the thirst with water
8. be active at least 30 mins a day
And that is what will help you keep the "normal" weight
hope that helped a bit
****personal blog******
On a little side note for those interested... still living in that new place and slowly starting to getting use to this place...
Its been festival week here in Esbjerg, so we've been out and about enjoying a little bit of everything..
I have to go to a job interview next week so fingers crossed I get it... It sucks donkey balls not having a job and not having money. I also thought about entering a wow contest (world of warcraft) were you have to draw some fan art... but I feel like I kinda lost my mojo this morning, cause I saw all these great drawings and thought I can't do this... I know its the wrong attitude so Im gonna try to find some inspiration somewhere :)
Anyways I will be back soon with more tips
Take care